Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I've been nominated for...

I've been nominated for a "Kreativ Friends Blogger Award" by my good friend, Lisa Criswell. She's a very talented woman that you should really get to know. You can visit Lisa at her blog, Indigo's Beads or at one of her shops, Shop Handmade at Indigo's Beads or at her new Etsy shop at Indigo's Beads. Lisa also sells patterns at The Bead Coop. Lisa is a mother, a wife and a very wonderful and very special friend! Thanks so much again Lisa for this Award!

Here are the rules to be followed for this award:
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5. Nominate seven 'Kreativ Bloggers'
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.

Okie dokie then, 7 Things about myself that you probably didn't know...hmm

1. Growing up I was the only child.
2. I've dyed my hair blonde (by total accident, I only used the entire bottle of Sun In, I was trying to streak my hair only, really...) since I was 13 years old. Boy oh boy did I get into a heap full of trouble over that to, but after a short time we realized that we liked it this color, and it's been this color ever since...well except a couple of small mishaps. (read #3)
3. I lived in Florida and in West Virginia some years ago for some years. While I was there because of the good ole well water I had, it turned my blonde hair a very bright shade of orange! Let me tell you, it was very hard to get that out of my hair! It would have been a nice shade of orange if it wouldn't have been so bright. lol
4. I've always wanted to move to New Zealand.
5. I'm terrified of heights of any nature, spiders, mice and snakes if I don't know that they are there. Back when my sons were younger I once was on a Ski Lift with my second oldest son, Michael, well let me tell you I never thought I was getting off of that alive! He's quite the dare devil! Then a few years after that I was on a Ferris Wheel, again with one of my lil darlings, no names mentioned here...(Mike lol) and needless to say I've never, ever, never again have been on a Ferris Wheel nor do I have the urge to be on one again!
6. I collect dolls, hummingbirds, Angels, Religious pieces, clocks, Roosters, Wall hangings, quilts, beaded pieces and ornaments. I do have a pig collection and a tea cup collection also but they're put away now due to my small home. I also have enough refrigerator magnets to fill 2 refrigerators but I have them all on my lil apartment size refrigerator. I love magnets! I have them from all over to! friends send them to me, gosh I have some from England, Korea, Bristol (I'm a Nascar addict!) the list goes on from there.
7. I've had at least 500 or more surgeries for my kidneys in my life time. I had lost count years ago.

Now onto my 7 nominations

1. Marie from Art from my Heart
2. Tobi Britton from The Pink Pixie Forest
3. Sarah from Bead The Change
4. Liz from The Crimson Moon
5. Tracey from a Beadiful Mess
6. Jean Hutter from Totally Twisted
7. Kristie-Lou Brigham from Sculpted Windows Wire Wrapped Jewelry Journal

I have to say that I almost gave this to a few more of my friends, Nicole, you were one of them but then but I seen that you had just gotten this award. Silke, I see that I had already given you a Kreativ Friends Blogger Award...I wonder if you might want two of them. lol Gosh, it's always so hard to decide! Beth, I would have given you this one to but Lisa beat me to it. lol Bobbi, you also were another but Lisa beat me to that to. lol hmm, Lisa's pretty quick. lol
I want to thank you again Lisa for this great and wonderful award! I will wear it on my blog with honor!
I hope that you have a beautiful rest of your day! Bead Happy!
Hugs and happy beading...


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Fun facts! I remember Sun In! lol Have a great week!...Debbie

Silke Powers said...

Oh, how wonderful, Bobbi. It's always fun to learn new things about your friends. Except that last point - I wish that you didn't have to go through that!!

Bobbi, my time hasn't been my own this week, but I will call you!!

Much love, Silke

Bellesanbeaus said...

Thank you for your thoughts...and i think i knew everything but the ferris wheel!!! lol. Congrats sweetie. Talk to ya later...I had so much fun seeing you yesterday...thank you for everything...even the horse that jack is still hitting me with!!! big hugs Beth

Marie S said...

Thank you Bobbi so much for thinking of me for this Award.
You are so sweet to me. I love the info on the blonde hair LOL!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!!